a plus, inc. offers plusSandstone and plusTumbled Hearths and Surrounds in various sizes that allow you to complete the finish of your fireplace design in a warm, yet durable material that is more economical than either Marble or Granite.plusSandstone and plusTumbled are made from a mixture of gypsum, marble dust, sand, pigment, and fiberglass. plusSandstone has the look of limestone, but not the weight. plusTumbled is much darker with the look of volcanic rock. Both are available in two sizes (1 & 2) that include a hearth. Sizes 3 and 3A DO NOT include a hearth.We make two models of plusSandstone and plusTumbled. The Kirkwood models fit our new Kirkwood mantel and the Ellenwood models fit all other styles.
a plus, inc. offers plusSandstone and plusTumbled Hearths and Surrounds in various sizes that allow you to complete |