GREENHEART : (Chlorocardium rodiei)
PURPLEHEART : (Peltogyne spp.)
KABUKALLI : (Goupia glabra)
MANNI : (Symphonia globulifera)
MORA : (Mora excelsa)
SHIBADAN : (Aspidosperma album)
CRABWOOD : (Carapa spp.)
KUROKAI : (Protium decandrum)
AROMATA : (Clathrotropis spp.)
TATABU : (Diplotropis purpurea)
LOCUST : (Hymenaea courbaril)
SIMARUPA : (Quassia simarouba)
TAURONIRO : (Humiria balsamifera var balsamifera)
WAMARA : (Swartiza leiocalycina)
DETERMA : (Sextonia rubra)
HUBUBALLI : (Loxopterygium sagotii)
RED CEDAR : (Cedrela odorata)
SILVERBALLI (GROUP) : (Ocotea, Licaria, Aniba)
SOFT WALLABA : (Eperua falcata)
BAROMALLI : (Catostemma spp.)
DUKALI : (Parahancornia fasciculata)
We are agents who have access to all the various species of wood that are available from the lush Amazon Rain Forest of Guyana South America. Our aim is to assist your company in the outsourcing, purchasing and shipping of these precious timber for you. The following is a list of species of timber that is available for export.
Wood and Timber from the Amazon of Guyana