OAK (Fagus), BEECH (Quercus), MAPLE (Acer), ASH TREE (Fraxinus), CHERRY WOOD (Prunus), SPRUCE (Picea), FIR (Abies)
To make a quotation for you we need to know:
-timber shall be designated for construction purposes or the cabinet-work?
-what month quantity of timber are you interested in ..m3 ?
-annual contract or single deliveries?
-free-packed deliveries or it must be transported in containers? If required special conditions of timber package, specify
-month volume of shipment in m3 .. Annually: .. in m3
-timber percentage composition in one shipment/monthly
-slab thickness...mm, length..mm, width:..mm...m3
-planks-thick-boards: thickness..mm, length..mm, width:mm...m3
-prisms:dimension..x ..,length..mm,...m3
-roof slats: dimension ...,length...mm,...m3
-quality requirements? Specify....
-maximum humidity of timber in %. ../How the timber should be dried?
-percentage volume of various timber species in one shipment?
- The supplier proposes a cut timber thinning loading at saw-mill.
-Who will do it? It will be necessary to designate a responsible person from your side
-granted quality according to EBW standard norms
OAK (Fagus), BEECH (Quercus), MAPLE (Acer), ASH TREE (Fraxinus), CHERRY WOOD (Prunus), SPRUCE (Picea), FIR (Abies) |