Spruce Plywood is an excellent general purpose construction panel ideal for both interior and exterior construction work. Its thick veneer; long grained structure gives the plywood panel considerable strength and rigidity. The plywood panels are light, easy to work with easy to saw and easy to nail. Spruce Plywood can with stand impact and other forms for bruising and it is also resistant to humidity. The structure of plywood makes it beautiful and light coloured construction wood. The adhesive phenolic resin bonding of spruce plywood makes it both weather and boil-proof. These features make spruce plywood a truly versatile general purpose construction panel. Spruce Plywood can be used in the following applications: Roofing Flooring Wall Sheathing Renovation Work Packaging Concrete Formwork Constructions Carpentry and Woodworking
Spruce Plywood is an excellent general purpose construction panel ideal for both interior and exterior construction work. |