Scientific Name:
Acer saccharum
Throughout most of North America. Commercial species are concentrated in the eastern United States and Canada, particularly in the mid-Atlantic and Lake states.
The sapwood of maple is a lovely creamy white, while the heartwood ranges from creamy white to light reddish brown. This wood has a closed, subdued grain and a uniform texture, with medium
figuring. Due to its light color and durability, maple is a popular choice when a "contemporary" look is desired for a wood floor.
It is stiff, strong, dense, and extremely tough, with excellent shock resistance. It is notably resistant to abrasive wear; and for this reason, it is the hardwood flooring of choice for such
high-traffic/hard-use locations as bowling alleys, basketball courts, and other sports facilities.
Janka Hardness: 1450
Select - Maple
Origin: Throughout most of North America. Commercial species are concentrated in the eastern United States and Canada, |