offers > from our
Carpentry about appropriate way to cooperate
So, we would be very thankful if from this starting point you> >
provide us with direct or indirect contact persons with whom we COULD
have correspondence in the future.
our Latvian firm "Murmana galdnieciba" kindly OFFRE PRODUITS under
mutually favorable
conditions cooperation in woodworking. our supply not complicated Bois
produits that we
voule export to Britain, Nederland, Italia, Spain, Belgium, and Europe in general
(prebuilt bIock elements of construction, furniture)
esp.,With best regards, Zigfrids Murmanis
owner of Z.M. carpentry
(tel: +37126075503) of "Murmanis Galdnieciba" Ltd
Contact p.
Murmanis Aivars
Telephone: +371 26075503
Fakss: +3716 7149207
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