We are the merbau wood distributor for construction, located in industrial city of Pasuruan. Our factory build in 1989 and still exist in wood bussinesHere are our product and prices (Rp) ( berikut kami lampirkan produk beserta daftar harga) 3 / 5 x 4m & 2 / 3 x 4m = 2. 250. 000 / m33 / 5 x 3m & 2 / 3 x 3m = 1. 850. 000 / m33 / 5 x 2 atau 2, 5m & 2 / 3 x 2 atau 2, 5m = 1. 450. 000 / m34 / 6 x 4 atau 5m & 5 / 7 x 4 atau 5m = 2. 250. 000 / m3We hope we can make a good relationship to the future. Contact UsThank you