We sell timberwood from Asia: teak, eucalyptus, rosewood, redwood, ect. Also we offer hardwood in planks from peru: mahagony, Estoraque myroxylom balsamunIshpingo amburana cearensisMarupa simarouba amaraJatoba hymenae stilbocarpaIpe tabebuia sp. Cumarue ferro dypterix odorataGarapa apuleia leiocarpaCumala virola sp. Cedrorama cedrelinga catenaeformisMacarannduba manilkara bidentataShihuahuaco coumarouma odorataPaumulato calycophyllum spruceanumCopaiba copaifera officinalisCashimbo cariniana domesticataCumaru dipteryx micrantha harmsAguano masha machaerium inundatumThe Wood from Asia is from the plantation. The peru Wood is from the forest.
We sell timberwood from Asia: teak, eucalyptus, rosewood, redwood, ect. Also we offer hardwood in |