Most types of W. African timber including the following (African name followed by botanical name): -Papoa/Afzelia Africana or Afzelia BellaOdum (Iroko)/Milicia Excelsa, or Chlorophora ExcelsaOfram (black, white yellow)/Terminalia superbaMahogany/Khaya IvorensisMahogany/Khaya GrandifoliolaAvodire/Tureanthus AfricanusCeiba/Ceiba PentandraDahoma/Piptadenia AfricanaDanta/Nesgodonia papaveriferaDenha/Cilicodiscus GabunensisWawa (white and yellow)/Triplochiton ScleroxylonWawabima/Sterculia RheinopetalaNiangon/Heritiera UtilisEmeri/Terminalia IvorensisSapele/Entandrofragma cylindricumAll the above species cut to specification.
Most types of W. African timber including the following (African name followed by botanical name): -
Minimum Order Quantity: | 1 Container |
Payment Terms: | L/C |
Model Number: | ACD 0003 |
Place of Origin: | Central West Africa |