Finest European Wood : Oak, Beech, Walnut, Cherry, Linden Ash

Our company can supply the best quality following European Wood from Former Yugoslavia countries:-European Oak-White European Ash-White European Beech-Linden-European Walnut-European Wild CherryYou can buy logs or edged timberWe can organize KD (8% - 10% moisture)Please ask the prices FOB Trieste (Italy)

Our company can supply the best quality following European Wood from Former Yugoslavia countries:

  • Model Number:KD, 8% - 10% moisture
  • Country:Australia
  • telephone:61-2-41447553
Model Number: KD, 8% - 10% moisture
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Red meranti, beech wood, white wood, Canadian s4s, mohagny, oak, maple, ash, cherry, walnut & many more etc.

International Trading FZCO is a member of ARBROS Group one of the leading group of UAE since 1995. International trading is free zone establishment based in Jabel Ali Free Zonewhich deals in import of sawn timber & wood, raw material is imported from all over the world ...

Come From International Trading FZCO(A Member of ARBROS Group)