Usually exported in Japan, Korea, Taiwan and other countries
The above rates are based on specific number of how many of the misalignment.
Length 1m. Width 0.15m - 0.3m. Thickness 0.04m (2300 RMB / cubic meter)
If you do not pick more specialized cargo specifications, you can press the price calculation:
Length 1m. Width 0.25m - 0.3m. Thickness 0.04m (3600 RMB / cubic meter)
Length 1m. Width 0.2m - 0.25m. Thickness 0.04m (2600 RMB / cubic meter)
Length 1m. Width 0.15m - 0.2m. Thickness 0.04m (2400 RMB / cubic meter)
Jujube wood, also known as Redwood:
The beautiful wood grain, material re-hard, corrosion-resistant wear |