Fax/tel: 0035930415446
tel: 00359878544844
4800 Devin, Bulgaria
K.Pungov General Manager
Best Regards
We will be happy, to be your partners from Bulgaria.
Please feel free to contact me
7. Firewood (oak,beech ,hornbeam , pine) with lengh 1m or chopped in pallets with length 30-50cm , or in bags 10 kg - 1200m3/montly
-Hardwood logs and Softwood- Whitewood SPF logs with dameter 20-50cm and length 2-6m 700m3/monthly
-Square-edged Beech boards and elements with quality A/B/C- 180m3/monthly
-Square-edged hardwood boards(White Oak with quality QFA,QF1a/b,QF2x-QF4x ) - 180m3/monthly
- Scaffold boards from (SPF) with anodized flashing slab in the end. -250m3/monthly
-Square -edged softwood, whitewood boards and pallete elements (spruce, fir, pine) 850-1200 m3/monthly
We are professional wood manufacturer and trade company from Bulgaria , we can offer following products with high quality and competitive prices.
SIMEA LTD is company from Bulgaria.
Dear Sir or Madam ,
We are manufacturer of whitewood SPF lumber and Pallete elements