Yonah Mountain Timber Frames custom designs and builds traditionally constructed timber frame homes. In order to accomplish unique designs, we also employ specialized post and beam construction
Timber Frame HomesA completely timber framed home provides the beauty of wood posts and beams throughout your new house. Our creative design techniques allow you to achieve your dream home plans.
Timber Frame Additions to Existing HomesWe also design and construct timber frame additions to existing homes. This is an excellent way to enhance the overall atmosphere of a home by providing a
spacious living area for family gatherings. Timber frame bedroom additions can bring romantic beauty with the new master suite. Open timber frame kitchen additions are an excellent way to further
the enjoyment of your home while increasing its real value. New Hybrid Timber Frame HomesA partially timber framed new home allows you to enjoy specific portions of your new house in post and beam
construction while economizing in the other areas of your home building project. Timber framing a central living area, kitchen area and/or master suite either with or without loft space is easily
incorporated into your overall home design. Non timber frame sections of a hybrid home may be constructed with either structural insulated panels or conventional "stick framed" walls.
Yonah Mountain Timber Frames has worked on several commercial projects including prestigious country |