Film faced plywood is exterior birch plywood, overlaid withphenol or melamine film on one or both sides. Film faced surface of thepanel prevents it from moisture penetrating, has high resistance
toabrasion, chemicals and fungus formation. Edges of film-faced plywoodare varnished with water-resistant acryl-based paint. Wide range offilm colours and types of surface (smooth, wiremesh,
paper coated)allows to widen a range of end use areas of film faced plywood.
Wood species: 100% birch
Thickness: from 3 mm up to 40,0 mm*
2440 / 2500 x 1220 / 1250 mm
1200 / 1220 / 1250 / 1500 / 1525 x 2440 / 2500 / 2745 / 3000 / 3050 mm
* The possibility to manufacture sizes and thicknesses according to the customer's requirements.
- Formaldehyde emission: E1
- Moisture content: max 10 %
- Density: 680 - 700 kg/m?
Phenol film, dark brown, weight 120 g/m?. Different colors and filmweights are available on request. Wear resistance of the surfacedemands on the film weight and can be presented as the following:
- 120 g/m? - 400 rotations according to Taber test (EN 438-2)
- 220 g/m? - 750 rotations according to Taber test (EN 438-2)