Custom wallpaper is an absolutely huge opportunity for the design world. We have over 20 different wallpaper textures and we can print any design you can come up with on any of these textures. And the best thing is that anyone can install the prints just like regular wallpaper. Create custom kids rooms, hospital walkways, corporate environments, and so much more. Even Hollywood is using this technology to create set backgrounds for many of their movies. If you can think of the ideas, we'll be more than happy to work to make it happen for you.
Amazing as it may seem, we have the ability to print on almost any surface up to 3" thick! Our machines and their advanced technological capabilities are going to open up an entire new world of possibilities for interior designers, architects, home builders and "everyday" people. Just imagine, if you are the first in your area, or even the nation, to utilize this new technology; you are going to create a competitive advantage for yourself or your company that will be the envy of your competition!
Custom wallpaper is an absolutely huge opportunity for the design world |