Scirocco Enterprises has invested in a new system for precast concrete panels and structures. The wafflecrete system is an innovative product that is used for the construction of a variety of structures ranging from low cost simple dwellings to multi storey structures including apartment, hotels, parking structures and other commercial and industrial buildings. The system relies on waffle like ribs to give the tensile strengths required whilst saving on the concrete and steel requirements.Ease of installation and the speed at which projects can be accomplished will be an added advantage in addition to the savings in material and manpower required. The system is versatile and will be utilized to help ease the housing crisis experienced in the country. This operation will be started in August of 2008 and it is expected that the first structures will be erected in August of the same year. Panels will be available to be sold separately for use in suspended slabs instead of insitu concrete. The company will be in a position to work with individual clients to design, erect and handover turnkey projects in record time.
Scirocco Enterprises has invested in a new system for precast concrete panels and structures. |