370/IV Plasticized Product: One of its sides is plasticized with paper impregnated with 370 g/m3 resin and the other side has a wood laminate.
Special Presentation
2.440 mm
1.220 mm
Up to 40mm thick upon demand
5.2,10,12,15,18,21,24 mm
A wide range of Panels for the Industry
Renewable and ecological resource
High resistance to the flexion, to the impact and unlaminated
Major duration
Resistance for the outdoors
Resists more, lasts more, is used better.
The adhesive phenolic used is specially formulated to support rigorous environmental conditions of dampness and exterior uses, granting great resistance to GRANDIS to the unlaminated,
allowing a major duration.
Treating itself about a natural product, the exterior surfaces present diverse degrees of appearance.
The sheets of wood Grandis entirely from forests are selected by the aptitude very superior to the conventional panels.
It is a product of high structural resistance that turns it in most adapted for needs of structural load and appearance into completion.
Of low maintenance and high resistance to the passage of time it is a product of multiple uses due to the particular appearance of clear tones, easy manipulation and structural
Quality III. Suitable to be painted and or redressed. Plank moulds of quality. Resistant in the outdoor uses.
Use in rustic coatings, racks, coverings.
Quality IV. Suitable for exterior structural use. Suitable to be identical. Use in rustic coatings, racks, plank moulds. Resistant in the outdoors constructions.