Key Benefits
Price stability
Short delivery times
Erection by factory trained crews
Built to a higher standard at lower cost
Elimination of cascading crew rescheduling
On time, on cost, highest quality construction
Concrete block construction has not yet been automated. Our technology enables panelization to be used in all areas where concrete block is required due to termites, hurricanes, tornadoes, or earthquakes reducing cost and building time with superior performance and longevity.
Automation Saves Time and Money
Composite panels are hoisted into position forming the exterior walls of homes and buildings. The entire house shell, improved with structural composites, is delivered, set, and roof attached in one day using composite panels up to 60 feet long. This technique has automated homes built stick by stick with greater accuracy, plumb, and cost savings.
Factory engineered wall panels using composites with superior performance c replace wood support studs, rough opening framing, top plates, and sills. Composite panels replace concrete block walls with considerable cost and time savings.
41% of all new homes in America are constructed from pre-built panels
Factory engineered wall panels using composites with superior performance c replace wood support |