Verni PH Mortar is a phenolic resin based synthetic resin mortar.
High degree of chemical and heat resistance
Areas of application
Areas where acid resistant tiles and bricks need to be laid and jointed.
Application guidelines
Surface preparation
Before applying the mortar, a membrane must be applied to the steel or concrete substrate. The membrane may be polyisobutilene, rubber or fibreglass.
The product is supplied in two parts powder and solution. Mix by adding the powder to the solution using a ratio of 1 part solution to 3 parts powder by weight. The mortar should be mixed
thoroughly until it is easily workable. Note: if water has separated from the solution during storage, it must be poured off. It is essential that this is not mixed into the solution or the mortar
or it will be detrimental to the performance. Once the mortar begins to set, it can no longer be used and should be discarded. The addition of solution at this stage will not make the mortar
Once mixed, the mortar will remain workable for about 60 minutes at 20
Verni PH Mortar is a phenolic resin based synthetic resin mortar. |