Available in 1- and 5-gallon containers.
Coverage: 250 to 350 square feet per gallon, over a coat of American Clay Penetrating Sealer.
Like our clear sealer, our gloss sealer is a very low VOC product. Its high sheen makes walls easier to cleanexcellent for high-traffic areas, such as hallways, entries, stairwells, and childrens rooms. It also provides additional water-resistance to walls behind sinks and around bathtubs but should not be used on walls in constant contact with direct water sprays. Our Gloss Sealer must be applied over a coat of our Penetrating Sealer to minimize color changes. A change in color will occur with American Clay Gloss Sealer. We recommend testing a small area on your wall to see the color change.
Like our clear sealer, our gloss sealer is a very low VOC product |