Sound Quality? Acoustical Wall Panels by Sound Seal? are the solution for areas that require noise reduction and are available in a variety of models for various applications.
The S-4000 Wall Panel is manufactured specifically as a high abuse absorber panel that offers both excellent absorption and high durability. Application for the S-4000 panels includes gymnasiums,
schools, universities, prisons, recreation centers and any area where excess reverberation and abuse resistance is required.
S-4000 High-Abuse Wall Panels are constructed using a high impact 1/16" thick perforated co-polymer underlayment laminated over a 1" or 2" thick 6-7 PCF fiberglass absorber core. The panels are
fully wrapped in standard, custom or C.O.M. fabric. Panels are available in 1 1/16" and 2 1/16" thickness with sizes up to a maximum of 4' x 10'.
S-4000 panels are easily installed using mechanical clips or adhesive and impaling clips. Consult with factory on the best-suited mounting for your specific application.