The ideal option to ease timeline pressures, pre-assembled and glazed units ensure quality control and increased productivity for almost any size or configuration.
Factory fabricated units can help meet tight construction schedules when there is a lack of necessary manpower or equipment.
Stock lengths offer glazing contractors the flexibility of providing fabrication and pre-glazing under controlled conditions in their own shop.
Product Specifications
Today's fast paced construction schedules demand it all high quality, fast installation, simplified fabrication, superior performance and design flexibility. As budgets continue to tighten
and on-site space or skilled labor become more scarce, Kawneers unitized solutions balance the need for rapid close-in with design aesthetics, durability and structural integrity.
Kawneers 2500 PG Unitwall is a unitized solution engineered to meet these criteria and more. It is offered in a wide range of options that can be customized to each project. Whether you
prefer stock length, fabricated or pre-assembled and glazed this is a unitized solution, the way you want it.
2500 PG Unitwall offers the flexibility to meet range of budgets, worker availability and timelines: