Canon EOS 450D with EF-S 18-55mm IS Lens - MPN: 2758B014AA
Price :USD 254.00 QTY :1 - 5 unit Accept PayPal By :Emly Nina /Sales & Marketing 22:47 15/01/2017 BuyCanon EOS 1300D with 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS II Lens Kitat Indoelectronic provide a 100% money back guarantee and 100% safe. If you are interested please immediately make purchases ...
Come From IndoElectronic
MegaPixel:10.0 - 20.0MP Canon EOS Rebel XS 1000D 10.1 Megapixel Digital Camera W/ 18-55mm IS Lens--Black ...
Come From Houston Computer Center