? 2009 Foto Care Inc.
The Sinar p3 camera is compatible with current and future Sinarback digital backs.
Sinaron Digital Lenses
The Sinaron Digital line of lenses is an ex-tensive array of lenses with integrated elec-tronic shutters offered by Sinar that is opti-mally tailored to the resolution of high-end CCD sensors.
Intelligently Digital
The Sinar p3 camera has been tailored un-compromisingly to function with Sinarback high-end digital backs.
The Modular Design of the Sinar System
Of course the Sinar p3 camera too, is com-patible with the Sinar System. Thanks to the extensive line of accessories, the modularly designed Sinar p3 can be tailored optimally to photographic tasks
and to the needs of the photographer.
Ergonomic to the Last Detail
All the operating elements of the Sinar p3 camera are tailored to the size and the strength of the human hand.
The legendary precision of Sinar View Cameras...
optimized for the Digital Era.
Mechanical Precision
True to the tradition of the Sinar p line of view cameras, the Sinar p3 too, is equipped with highly precise mechanisms.