Canon EOS 450D (double-headed machines) basic parameters
SLR digital camera type of digital camera
12.2 million effective pixels
The largest number of 12.4 million pixels
The maximum resolution 4272
Price :USD 549.00 QTY :1 - 5 unit Accept PayPal By :Emly Nina /Sales & Marketing 22:47 15/01/2017 Buy Canon EOS 80D Digital Camera DSLR Body Kit at Indoelectronic provide a 100% money back guarantee and 100% safe. If you are interested please immediately make purchases on our ...
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Price :USD 444.00 QTY :1 - 5 unit Accept PayPal By :Emly Nina /Sales & Marketing 22:47 15/01/2017 BuyCanon EOS 70D Digital Camera DSLR Bodyat Indoelectronic provide a 100% money back guarantee and 100% safe. If you are interested please immediately make purchases on our company ...
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Price :USD 2,449.00 QTY :1 - 5 unit Accept PayPal By :Emly Nina /Sales & Marketing 22:47 15/01/2017 BuyCanon EOS 1D X DSLR Digital Camera Bodyat Indoelectronic provide a 100% money back guarantee and 100% safe. If you are interested please immediately make purchases on our ...
Come From IndoElectronic