E-Books can also be put in an install program so that it has to be installed on the computer for viewing. We include an UN-install feature with our E-Books if they are made as install programs so they can be easily removed from the system. We also produce unique icons and book cover art for the web to go along with our E-Books, a few samples of covers are included below.
E-Books are great for creating all kinds of media. They can be children's books, product catalogs, artwork or photo books, interactive greeting cards, and about anything else one can imagine.
E-Books can be distributed on CD or can be downloaded over the Internet. They may also be distributed on Business Card shaped CD's, full size CD's, and even on USB Flash drives. Examples provided on the site we link to below are Free and may be distributed freely as well.
E-Books offer a more in-depth and interactive experience than traditionally printed books. They can be produced with secure password protected areas, non copy protection, and can also be as interactive or as broad in scope as an Internet site. They can also access the Internet for further information by including live links to web sites and E-Mail addresses. Web pages can be opened inside the E-Books.
The E-Books that we publish require that you have Windows 98/ME (or higher) and Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 (or higher) installed on your computer to open and view them. Most computers today have the software installed to view our E-Books. Some real E-Book samples you can download on a link provided below will provide examples so you can see how an E-Book can be put to use for your company or organization.
The E-Books that we publish require that you have Windows 98/ME (or higher) |