Thanksto the extremely low power consumption of e-paper technology, now youcan read for weeks with one charge, and books can be produced withoutcutting down trees. We want to reduce deforestation and pollution bypromoting green technology. Join us!
Environment Protection
Knowledgeand information are without boundary. Our products supportmultiple-language including English, French, German, Spanish, Arabic,Japanese, Simple and Traditional Chinese.
Multiple-language Support
Mostpopular ebook formats are well supported, including PDF, EPUB,TXT,HTML, CHM, RTF, Mobipocket (Non-DRM), PDB, JPG, PNG, BMP, TIFF, andeven MP3. More are on the way.
Multiple Formats Support
Wirelessconnectivity gives you Internet tablet functionality and let youdownload digital content from providers wherever you are.
Wireless connective
Fullscreen scribble brings you real handwriting experience withoutcompromising screen brightness or contrast. Search, annotate,highlight, and input text easily with a pen.
Full Screen Scribble
Onyxbrings you smooth paper-like reading experience . You can read digitalcontent in various lighting conditions just like reading printedcontent.
Smooth Reading Experience
More formats support coming via free software updates.
Format Support
Operating temperature is 0
6" E Ink display full screen scribble 8-level grayscale With Wifi Browser...(e-reader, e-book reader, e-ink reader)
Place of Origin: | Georgia United States |
Model Number: | Onyx Boox 60 |
Brand Name: | Onyx |