NOTE: UX-1 / UX-1 Limited Upgrade service
These updates are incremental and will become optional for UX-1 and UX-1 Limited owners. Current owners of the UX-1 series will have the option to upgrade their video board and rear panel by late
summer or early fall, 2007. Although this optional and incremental upgrade will not change the remote control, the upgraded video board will produce 1080p output using the Anchor Bay LSI and add
the HDMI version 1.3 connector. Please contact for more information.
UX-1Pi Product Summary:
As the top-end of "UX" series, the UX-1Pi's advanced 14 bit video processing and custom video output stage enables DVD up-conversion to high definition "HD" output at 480p, 720p, 1080i, and 1080p.
This is achieved from your existing DVD collection, without having to buy new software! (HD level output requires connection to a compatible display). The UX-1 Limited 6N copper wiring, WBT
connectors and D/A converters are also included.
The UX-1Pi adds the following incremental updates to the base feature set of the UX-1 Limited:
As the top-end of "UX" series, the UX-1Pi's advanced 14 bit video processing and custom video output stage |