Brochure or CD version is provided for easy online warranty registration (registration forms always included)
Easy to read service procedures
Complete terms and conditions supplied
Professional retail packaging
United's CCP takes control of the warranty at the end of the original manufacturers warranty. During the manufacturer period, the customer still goes through their normal warranty
I.e. If the manufacturer has a 1 year warranty, a +2 year will give the customer a total of 3 years. The 1st year from the manufacturer, and the 2nd and 3rd years from United. The 5 Year
Upgrade service also begins after the expiration of the standard warranty, however finished 5 years from the equipment's original date of purchase.
United provides an attractive market leading physical retail warranty product. Features are:
United currently provides three main terms of Customer Care Programs (CCP)
+1 Year Upgrade, +2 Year Upgrade, and 5 Year Upgrade