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The DVD89 takes Cambridge Audio's DVD players to the highest level, embracing HDMI (high-definition multimedia interface).
HDMI - the latest standard for digital transmission of video and audio signals - does not require compression which leads to degradation-free transfer of information. HDMI reduces interference and
ensures sharp detail and vivid colours.
DiVX playback is possible for suitably encoded discs and the DVD89 is fully compatible with DiVX 3.11, 4, 5, DiVX Pro XVID.
SACD (Super Audio Compact Disc) which can offer superior sound quality thanks to greater bandwidth, is also supported.
The DVD89 decodes Dolby Digital soundtracks via the six channel analogue out and supports DVD-Audio. This technology totally changes the way the listener experiences music. DVD-Audio discs have a
much greater bandwidth and contain more accurate 24-bit audio (CDs only contain 16-bit audio), plus they can carry 5.1 surround sound as well as two channel audio. This radically improves the
listening experience. In addition, the DVD89 is, of course, capable of playing conventional compact discs.