VECTORBOX by VECTOR 3 is a complete and easy-to-use playout solution and the ideal choice for any channel where playout and ingest of content from a variety of sources is required and where manpower is at a premium. VECTORBOXs powerful video server, graphics and automation bring clear benefits to both large and small channel environments, such as enhanced file-based workflows and complete management of content from live, VTR and satellite feeds. Other benefits include faster media to air with reduced reliance on videotape and reduced operating expenses without the need to duplicate media.VECTORBOX makes use of the latest technology by coding and decoding in RAM, benefiting your channel not only now, but in the future as well. You now have total control of each frame in real time with the ability to mix all of todays compression formats and wrappers in the same schedule, as well as tomorrows formats yet to be invented.These and many other advantages make VECTORBOX the total playout and a technically and economically advantageous choice for your channel
VECTORBOX by VECTOR 3 is a complete and easy-to-use playout solution and the ideal choice for any channel |