Title : OK Hot Wasabi - tube (Wasabi 22%) Weight : 40g Feature : This product is manufactured in paste form to maintain Wasabis unique taste and to promote customers convenience when used at home and outdoors. Usage : Raw fish, sushi, grilled fish, stick-threaded fish, fish meat product, noodle products, hot broths, pork hock, and other various kinds of dishes How to Use : Caution :
Title : OK Wasabi Powder Hot (Wasabi 70%) Weight : 300g, 240g Feature : OK Wasabi Powder Hot uses well-selected raw materials to maintain Wasabis peculiar taste and flavor. Usage : When the appropriate amount of OK Wasabi Powder Hot is mixed with water and used for raw fish, ...
Come From jthh2000
OK-A Powder Wasabi (Wasabi 90%) Title : OK-A Powder Wasabi (Wasabi 90%) Weight : 250g Feature : OK-A Powder Wasabi uses well-selected raw materials to maintain Wasabis peculiar taste and flavor. Usage : When the appropriate amount of OK-A Powder Wasabi is mixed with water and ...
Come From jthh2000