game controller,remote and nunchuk compatible for wii, accessories for wii
Games are many things to different people. Some see games as gatewaysto an unknown universe while others see them as extensions of the worldaround them. Nintendo created Wii? to fit everyone's
ideal break awayfrom the everyday. The wireless, freehand Wii Remote not only makesgames easy to play, it makes them more fun than ever before.Accentuating the sense of touch in the game lets you
feel the heat ofemotion with each movement. Because up to four players can grab a WiiRemote and play, there's always a party ready to happen with Wii! TheWii Remote frees you from cords and
excessive, complicated buttonswithout sacrificing game play depth. The motion sensors containedwithin the Wii Remote and the Nunchuk controller add totally newinteractions to existing games while
opening doors for new genres. Wiimakes your senses come alive!
Wireless and motion-sensitive, theWii Remote offers an intuitive, natural way to play games. Thecontroller plays into the conventional motions you make everyday. Whenyou hit a drum, swing a tennis
racket or swing a bat, why should youhave to press a button to replicate these things? With the Wii Remote,you can use everyday motions to help make you the center of the game.Nintendo designed the
Wii Remote to be the most multifaceted gamingdevice ever. It can be a sword for one game and then a steering wheelfor racing games. It's your paintbrush, your golf club, your airplane,but most of
all, it's your key to unlocking a world of fun you've neverimagined.
The Wii Remote senses your every action and makes youfeel less like a player and more like you're part of the game. WithWii, anyone can play. Up to four Wii Remotes can be used at a time.
Contouredto perfectly fit a player's hand, the Nunchuk builds on the simplicityof the Wii Remote and goes an extra step to meet the needs of gamers.The Nunchuk connects to the Wii Remote at its
expansion port and isused in conjunction with the Wii Remote. The Nunchuk contains the samemotion-sensing technology enabled in the Wii Remote but also includesan analog stick to assist in
character movement. In several games,players will use the analog stick of the Nunchuk to move theircharacters and the Wii Remote to perform a specific action, whetherthat's throwing a pass in
football or aiming a ranged weapon in anaction game. Along with the analog stick, the motion-sensing Nunchukalso contains two buttons positioned for quick access. Because the WiiRemote and Nunchuk
are only relatively dependent on each other, playersare free to hold them in whichever hand is most comfortable. Theambidextrous nature of the Wii controllers grants accessibility seldomseen in
game controllers.
Motion Sensitive.
Built in analog stick.
Comfortable grip.
game controller,remote and nunchuk compatible for wii, accessories for wii |