Dataloggers is a division of Microsound Systems. Microsound has been selling various dataloggers for many years.
Here you can find details of data loggers manufactured by MSR Electronics GmbH of Switzerland and CP-LOG of Belgium.
MSR Electronics core competency is the development and sale of standardised and customised dataloggers for a wide range of different applications. Among MSR Electronics customers are well-known
companies such as Festo, Alstom, Novartis, W.L. Gore & Associates, EMPA, the Swiss Air Rescue Service Rega and many more. In March 2009, the MSR145 Analogue datalogger was voted first place by
readers of the German trade magazine "Elektronik" becoming the "Product of the Year 2009" in the "Measurement Technology" category.
CP-LOG for Cathode protected and specialised dataloggers and uLog dedicated recorder, multichannel, miniature and low power battery operation.
ADC-20 / ADC-24 Terminal board [PP310] |