This also allows the trend logging of some of the values which is readable on the system i.e. Chilled Water Temperature, Supply Air Temperature etc. for record purposes.
This enables operators to view temperature, humidity, pressure and any numerous conditions on a real-time basis as they exist throughout a facility and to automatically switch on Lights & Airconditioning equipment according to a predefined schedule.
BACvision is an affordable front-end pc program for displaying information from / managing electronic controllers used in buildings for controlling various objects such as chillers, air handling units, pumps & lights ( in general any devices which can be controlled electrically ) which conforms to the open protocol ANSI/ASHRAE 135-1995 called BACnet ( Building Automation & Control networks ) through a bus connected to a central computer running Microsoft Windows? 95 or a higher compatible operating system
An affordable BACnet Terminal Front-End for BACnet control systems |