For many applications simply clamping the casing close to the end of the control is acceptable. However, casing fittings can be applied directly to the ends. Special fittings developed for this purpose are shown below.Cap and Groove TerminalsPart No.1 Availablewith Casing No. AREF. BREF. CREF. DREF. E2REF. FREF. GroovedTerminal CapTerminal 6005 6105 C070,C070VC,C096 .98 .74 .19 .125 .090 .047 6006 6106 C132, C132VC .98 .74 .25 .180 .090 .063 6008 6108 C187, C187PCC187PLPCC187PL 1.00 .76 .25 .180 .090 .080 6013 6113 1.25 .87 .38 .250 .130 .125 6014 6114 C277, C277PC 1.50 1.12 .44 .344 .130 .125 NOTES:1State material required by suffix - B (Brass) - S (S.S.) - P (Plated Steel).2This dimension can be modified for special snap rings.
For many applications simply clamping the casing close to the end of the control is acceptable. However, |