What is unique about the Cast-A-Seal 12-08?
The Cast-A-Seal 12-08s unique molded design gives users greater deflection than standard cast-in/compression seal connectors along with meeting and or exceeding ASTM C923 and ASTM C1478. See back
of literature for additional specification information.
If the Cast-A-Seal 12-08 ever gets damaged, the problem is solved with a unique feature. Simply cut out the 12-08 at the concrete surface and install a Press-Seal Gasket PSX: Direct Drive or other
mechanically installed connector on the concrete ledge that is formed by the mandrel. Now you are ready to ship or install in the ground without losing the cost of a structure.
How does the Cast-A-Seal 12-08 work?
If you are a precaster who cores your holes, then cast all your outfall holes and straight through holes using the simple mandrel system that attaches to the jacket. If you are a precaster
who casts your holes with fiberglass, steel or other hole forming system, you can cast all your incoming 8 PVC needs along with the outfall hole. The magnetic mandrel system attaches to the core
and eliminates drilling holes. It also provides labor savings over tying hole formers to wire.
How does the Cast-A-Seal 12-08 save money?
Coring holes, then installing a mechanical boot style connector can be an expensive process at times because of coring machine wear and tear and ongoing maintenance expenses. New core bits and
resegmenting worn bits, only add to the cost of coring holes. By casting the outfall hole, you are reducing coring costs by extending the life of your machine and bits up to 50% over time. You are
also freeing up machine usage during peak times. This can lead to faster customer response times.