We have passed the ISO9001 quality management system certification, the ISO14001 environment management system certification. And all products passed American UL company's safety certification(CATVR). Hengxin has passed the certification of OHSAS18001 Occupational Health and safety.MAIN PRODUCTS1) N male connector suit to 1/4"super flexible RF cable(HX CODE: NM-1/4H)2) N male connector suit to 1/4" standard RF cable(HX CODE: NM-1/4L)3) N male connector suit to 3/8"super flexible RF cable(HX CODE: NM-3/8H)4) N male connector suit to 3/8" standard RF cable(HX CODE: NM-3/8L)5)N male connector suit to 1/2"super flexible RF cable(HX CODE: NM-1/2H)6) N male connector suit to 1/2" standard RF cable(HX CODE: NM-1/2L)7) N female connector suit to 1/2"super flexible RF cable(HX CODE: NF-1/2H)8) N female connector suit to 1/2" standard RF cable(HX CODE: NF-1/2L)9) N male connector suit to 7/8"super flexible RF cable(HX CODE: NM-7/8H)10) N male connector suit to 7/8" standard RF cable(HX CODE: NM-7/8L)11) N female connector suit to 7/8"super flexible RF cable(HX CODE: NF-7/8H)12) N female connector suit to 7/8" standard RF cable(HX CODE: NF-7/8L)13) N male connector suit to 1-1/4" standard RF cable(HX CODE: NM-1-1/4L)14) N female connector suit to 1-1/4" standard RF cable(HX CODE: NF-1-1/4L)15) N male connector suit to 1-5/8" standard RF cable(HX CODE: NM-1-5/8L)16) N female connector suit to 1-5/8" standard RF cable(HX CODE: NF-1-5/8L)
We have passed the ISO9001 quality management system certification, the ISO14001 environment managem