Economic Traders Guj Pvt Limited is a company incorporated in 1972 The company is a 100 Percentage export oriented unit and one of the leading One Star export house form India recognized by the
Ministry of Commerce Government of India
We are one of the multifaceted multi product group popularly known as the Economic Group of Companies The group is involved in diverse business activities in the field of manufacturing as well as
trading of Engineering Goods Agricultural Produce Textiles Chemicals Plastics Paper and Paper Products Finance Real estate etc
The company has won several institutional state and national awards for the contribution in exports academics and social services
The company specializes in the exports of agricultural and industrial engineering equipments manufactured by our sister group companies as well as quality products of other reputed and established
companies We have been exporting ALFA brand range of diesel engines from 5 HP to 25 HP Spares for Diesel Engines Water Pumps Rice Hullers Thrashers Flour Mills PVC Pipes V-Belts Transmission Belts
Bolts & Nuts Oil Mills Jewellery Design Machines Exercise Note Books Writing Pads Registers Masoor Dal Rice Sugar Derivatives of Castor Oil First Special Grade Castor Oil and Hydrogenated Castor
Oil etc
These products are being exported since 1972 to majority markets in over 35 countries of the Middle East Asia South East Asia Africa Europe and America We have earned high reputation in trade The
ALFA brand has become synonymous with quality reliability durability and value for money The company has also successfully executed project export orders for various plant and machinery
A dynamic and professional team of Technocrats Engineers Accountants Administrators is headed by Managing Director Mr Vora who himself is BTech with honours from Indian Institute of Technology
This growth oriented company is today busy consolidating its business in the existing markets and expanding its business and at the same time venturing into new markets and products to expand and
achieve growth in geometric progression The company today invites business enterprises from around the world to join hands for mutually beneficial business association
try double cylinder to get through more products
High Speed Double Cylinder Diesel Engine |