Every electrical system will continue to operate as if your electricity was still operational. Appliances such as furnaces, Air Conditioning, lights, outlets, TVs, Cable Systems,
Microwaves, Refrigerators, Freezers, Security Systems and your coffee makers. Everything! With this generator, your power is restored in less than 20 seconds. It does not matter how long
the power outage lasts, 1 day or 3 weeks, your generator will continue to provide you with all the power you need.
We have the KEE to your standby power needs! When your electricity is disrupted, the generator is activated. The generator produces electricity until your power is restored. Its as simple as that. The system is totally automatic. The system uses natural gas or liquid petroleum that way never have to worry about refueling during an emergency. You can choose to power your whole house, office, or business. Or you can choose to power critical circuits* to get you through a power outage. Now you have a choice. You dont have to remain in the dark |