5210 Metering
The 5210 module provides metering via the LCD display with the following instrumentation displays, accessed via the LCD DISPLAY SCROLL push buttons:
- Generator Volts L1-N, L2-N, L3-N
- Generator Volts L1-L2, L2-L3, L3-L1
- Generator Amps L1, L2, L3
- Generator Frequency Hz
- Engine Speed RPM
- Engine Oil Pressure
- Fuel Level %
- Engine Temperature
- Plant Battery Volts
- Engine Hours Run
- Generator kVA
- Generator kW
5210 Microprocessor Control
The module features 16 bit microprocessor control and a comprehensive list of timers and pre-configured sequences. This allows demanding specifications to be
achieved. Configurable expansion facilities are also provided.
5210 Easy Pushbutton Control
Operation of the module is via pushbutton controls (with security locking facility) mounted on the front panel with STOP/RESET, AUTO, MANUAL, and START buttons. The first three buttons
feature LED selected indications. Further buttons provide LCD DISPLAY SCROLL and EVENT LOG VIEW functions.
It is possible to monitor operation of the system either locally or remotely. (Optional: remote communications output versions only.)
Deep Sea Control Panel 5210
Model 5210 is an Automatic Engine Control Module. The module is used to automatically start and stop the engine, indicating the operational status and fault conditions, automatically
shutting down the engine and indicating an engine failure by means of an LCD display and an appropriate flashing LED on the front panel. Selected timers and alarms can be altered by the
customer from the front panel. Alterations to the system are made using the 810 interface and a PC. This interface also provides real-time diagnostic facilities.
Cummins KTA50G3 Engine
Stamford Newage 734B Alternator
Silencer amd flexible
Side Mounted Control
*Batteries, Battery Rack, and Cables Not Included
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