Full silencing enclosure with sound insulation and critical grade muffler for maximum sound reduction.
Specially tuned rubber mounts to isolate engine & generator vibrations from railcar. Optional secondary isolation mounting system will virtually eliminate transmission of annoying vibrations.
Complete Automatic Logic Controlled Stadco control system w/ 6-point safety monitoring & AC load circuit breaker.
Cleanable cooling air intake filter on intake panel to reduce dirt build up in enclosure and radiator.
Hi-Temp cooling system. Heavy duty, welded aluminum heat exchangers designed for 130?F.
Exceptionally low exhaust emissions and low noise levels.
Excellent fuel economy and reliable performance for your peace of mind.
30KW - 62KW Auxiliary Power Units
Stadco HR Series Railgen Generators include:
Full silencing enclosure with multi-layer sound insulation and critical grade muffler for maximum sound reduction.
Specially tuned rubber mounts to isolate engine & generator vibrations from railcar. Optional secondary isolation mounting system will virtually eliminate transmission of
annoying vibrations.
Complete Automatic Logic Controlled Stadco control system w/ 5 or 7 point safety monitoring & AC current overload protection. Several choices of features.
Cleanable cooling air intake filter on intake panel to reduce dirt build up in enclosure and radiator.
Hi-Temp cooling system. Heavy duty, welded aluminum heat exchangers designed for 130?F.
Exceptionally low exhaust emissions and low noise levels.
Excellent fuel economy and reliable performance for your peace of mind.
62KW - 200KW Auxiliary Power Units
Stadco Mark 5 Railgen Diesel Generators include:
Railgen Railcar Generators |
Full silencing enclosure with sound insulation and critical grade muffler for maximum sound reduction. |