(All prices are in UAE Dirhams. Prices based on current stocks and may vary. Validity - 10days from date of publishing)
6mm - 14.21; 10mm - 20.88; 16mm - 29.67; 25mm - 42.83; 35mm - 56.13; 50mm - 69.83; 70mm - 98.66; 95mm - 131.15; 120mm - 164.66; 150mm - 202.43; 185mm - 251.93; 240mm - 324.56; 300mm - 403.76
Ducab 4Core
PRICES(April-4th, 2009)
We stock armored cables from the UAE, Oman, India, Poland, China and Srilanka. They are all of the highest quality and confirm to all international standards. Our main brands are Ducab-UAE, NCI-UAE, Oman cables-Oman and GEMSCAB-India.
We are stockists/distributors/wholesalers for Armored cables, based in Dubai, UAE. Our technical team is adept at recommending the best material for your project.
Armored cables of all sizes: from 2. 5mm^2 to 300mm^2 (3core, 4 core and 5 core)
Country of origin: UAE, Oman, India, China
Conductor Material: | Copper |
Application: | Underground |
Type: | High Voltage |
Insulation Material: | XLPE |