2. Type
1) Heat-resistant cable
- FR-3Y : control circuits for buildings. XLPE insulation / PVC sheath
- NFR-3Y : control circuits for buildings. XLPE insulation / flame retardant
& non-toxic compound sheath
2) Fire-resistant cable
- FR-8Y : Suppling power to and between fire fighting equipment and
facilities.PE sheath / Flame retardant PVC sheath
- NFR-8Y : Suppling power to and between fire fighting equipment and
facilities.PE sheath / Flame retardant and non-toxic compound sheath
3. Related standard : Korea Electric Wire industry Co-operative standard and
JIC's specifications
1. Features :
Equipment and facilities installed in every building have a nature of fire fighting. This is a legal condition enforced by the Fire Prevention and Extinction Law as well as the Construction
Standard Law. To make those equipment and facilities efficiently and properly working in a case of fire and let the people escape from the risk of losing their lives, the cables linked between
those equipment and facilities should be fire and heat resistant.