Halogen Free, Fire Resistant Cables
Fire resistant power cable can maintain the integrity of the circuit and continue to work for a period of time when exposed to fire. The cables are also know as CU/MICA/PVC/PVC 0.6/1KV or CU/MICA/XLPE/PVC 0.6/1KV to basic standard IEC60502-1 or BS 7846. Layers of the mica tape ...
Fire resistant control cable 2-4 cores 300/500V features Mica tape twisted with copper conductor, the cable refers as multiple cores Cu/MicaXLPE(PVC)/LSZH 300/500V to basic standard BS7211. The function of mica is to prevent burning when cables catching fire. The cable can ...
电动汽车充电电缆是连接电动汽车充电装置和充电基础设施的电力传输桥梁。它配备了一定数量的信号线,控制线和电源辅助线,以确保整个充电过程的精确控制,使整个过程安全正确。 ...