Theenterprise "Energocomplekt" history has begun since 1992 whenmanufacture of electrical products and the equipment has been organised.
In 1993-1994 the first insulation line has been got and the shop on manufacture cable and wire is started.
Since 1997 the Society with limited liability Production association Energocomplekt, located in Vitebsk operates.
Today the enterprise is the leader in the Republic of Belarus in manufacture and sale of cable and wire. The nomenclature makes more than 2500 mark-sizes.
The enterprise main objective is the maximum satisfaction of needs and requirements of clients.
Manufacturingof production which is meeting the requirements of clients, is carriedout not only at the expense of manufacture on the modern Europeanequipment with use of high-quality raw
materials, but also thanks tohigh qualified personnel.
All production made by Energocomplekt, is certificated in the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation.In 2004 our company has received the certificates certifying conformityof system of
a quality management by manufacture of cable and wireproduction to requirements STB ISO 9001-2001 (the Republic of Belarus) and RST ISO 9001-2001 ( Russian Federation).
Thelaboratory of Energocomplekt accredited on technical competencespends all kinds of tests of cable production. It allows the enterpriseto carry out the continuous quality control, and also to
work over newkinds of production.
The enterprise has branches in all main towns of the Republic of Belarus, and also developed distribution network in Russian Federation. The favourable geographical position of the company allows
to provide operatively deliveries to the CIS countries and Europe.