Quality assurance of KIPL has guaranteed a consistently high quality to its cable, conductors & wires. From the selection of input material, up to dispatch of finish products, strict, quality control measures are exercised at very stage. The quality assurance efforts are completed by the testing facilities of metallurgical and polymer laboratory, equipped with sophisticated equipments.
Quality Assurance
as per IS (Part 4): 1994
These Aluminum Alloy Conductors are heat treated magnesium silicon type. The alloy referred to has higher strength but lower conductivity than pure aluminum. Being lighter, alloy conductors can
sometimes be used to advantage in place of the conventional ACSR conductors. Their use becomes favorable when ice and wind loadings are low. We manufacture Aluminum Alloy Conductors as per IS 398
(part 4): 1994 and other National and International standards as per customers.
As per IS 14255:1995
In the ABC system, the insulated aluminum conductors (3 or 4 numbers as required ) are twisted around a high strength aluminum alloy bearer wire which covers the main weight and also serves as the
earth cum neutral wire. The phase conductor is not under tension. Due to theft prevention, heights of pole elimination of insulator and associated hardware and the possibility of using small sizes
of phase conductors like 16 sq. mm in certain location the overall cost of the ABC lines is practically the same as in conventional overhead lines Kataria AB cables are manufactured as per IS 14255
: 1995, REC SPECIFICATION 32/1984 and other national and international specifications and as per customer requirements. Due to various customers requirements the composition and designation of
cables are different, some designation ate given on left side :
The first part of the designation refers to the numbers and size of the phase conductor, the middle to the street light conductor (where provided) and last to the bare messenger wire. The sizes
shown are the nominal cross sectional areas.
AERIAL BUNCHED CABLE, the insulated aluminum conductors are twisted around a high strength aluminum alloy bearer wire. |