This series of cable can endure 3 hours exposed to direct flame. It's applicable for environment with high fireproof requirement, such as high-rise building, oil field, power plant, mine,
subway, chemical plant, etc.
Working Condition:
1. Rated Voltage (U0/U): V Series - 600/1000V; K Series - 450/750V; B Series - 450/750V
2. Maximal long-term service temperature:
Fire resistant PVF insulated and sheathed
- 2 kinds, 70?C and 105?C
Crosslinking polyethylene insulated
- 90?C
Fluoroplastic insulated and sheathed
- 2 kinds, 220?C and 260?C
Fluoroplastic insulated and fire resistant PVF sheathed
- 2 kinds, 90?C and 125?C
Low halogen, low smoke, fire resistant PVC insulated and sheathed
- 70?C
Zero halogen, low smoke, fire resistant PVF insulated and sheathed
- 2 kinds, 90?C and 125?C
3. Minimal working temperature:
Fire resistant PVF insulated and sheathed: -40?C for fixed installation and -15?C for unfixed installation
Fluoroplastic insulated and sheathed: -60?C for fixed installation and -20?C for unfixed installation
4. Installation temperature - no less than 0?C
5. Bending Radius:
Unarmoured, braid shielded cable - no less than 6