5kV, 5kVU Type MV-105
TS, GW, PVC, CT Rated
Three conductor EPR insulated, shielded, thermoplastic jacketed power
cables with grounding conductor. Alternate constructions available.
Manufactured and tested in accordance with the latest revisions of the
following standards and specifications:
UL 1072 - Medium Voltage Power Cables
ICEA S-93-639 (NEMA WC 74) - 5-46 kV Shielded Power Cable for use
in the Transmission & Distribution of Electric Energy
ICEA S-97-682 (when requested) 5-46 kV Standard for Utility Shielded
Power Cable
UL 1685 - UL Flame Exposure Test
IEEE 1202 (Sizes 4 AWG and larger) - Flame Test (70,000 Btu/hr
Vertical Tray Test)
Certified qualification tests were performed in accordance with the
requirements of AEIC CS-8. Cable has fully met the qualification testing
requirements of AEIC CS-8.
For use in aerial installations, direct buried, cable trays, troughs
or raceway. These cables are capable of operating continuously at a
maximum conductor temperature of 105
5kV, 5kVU Type MV-105 TS, GW, PVC, CT Rated |