Resistance WeldingAs a leader in the resistance welding cable and accessory field, Flex-Cable is a major supplier to the global automobile industry and holds a strong presence with Original
Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) in the appliance, electronic, and consumer related product industries.
Flexcel State of the Art cable engineeringfrom the inside
The Flexcel Process incorporates a special polymer coated, multi-filament material which covers the individual conductor ropes within the cable that serves to capture and isolate broken strands of
copper wire, preventing cooling system contamination and obstructed water flow. This expertly engineered cable employs the latest technology and space-age materials.
The overlapping mesh is flexible at each crossover point which increases total cable flexibility by reducing the overal inertia of the cable. The multi-filament material adds a cushion to the wire
when the magnetic and mechanical forces act on the cable to reduce wire fatigue and prolong total cable life.
Vortex water flow action causes increased heat transfer, resulting in higher cooling efficiency. The concept occupies less volume than standard separator cables resulting in increased flexibility
as well as additional water volume to alleviate heat. The multi-filament process insulates the wires from each other and allows water to come into direct contaect with the copper wires. Flexcels
construction is available in all of the various jackets and terminal configurations to accommodate your engineering needs.
Resistance WeldingAs a leader in the resistance welding cable and accessory field, Flex-Cable |